Creature Sounds

“Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord…” – Ephesians 5:19

Creature Sounds School of Music

  • Enlist for individual lessons ($80/mo)
  • Adopt a student (fund a student who can’t afford lessons – $80/mo)
  • Shadow Program (learn to play in the band by teaming up with a seasoned player or vocalist)
    *Must be recommended by a Creature Sounds instructor and/or approved by the Music Pastor

Chloe Maestas


Worship Teams

Sean Mahoney


Worship Internship Program

  • Worship leadership training
  • 8 Spring Sessions
  • 8 Fall Sessions

Sean Mahoney


Instrument Donation Program

  • Donate a musical instrument to assist those who can’t afford one

Chloe Maestas
