Celebrate Recovery

What is Celebrate Recovery?

Our mission statement:  “Finding hope in Jesus and freedom from our hurts, habits, & hang-ups through Christ-centered recovery.”

We are a group of people from all walks of life and backgrounds who need love and support to live the way God has always intended for us. One of the biggest misconceptions about Celebrate Recovery is that it is only for people who struggle with drug or alcohol addiction. That could not be further from the truth. In fact, out of all of the people who attend Celebrate Recovery around the world, ? of them come for an issue other than drugs or alcohol. Some of the reasons people attend CR are: codependency, anger issues, sexual addiction, adult child of family dysfunction, eating disorders, control issues, perfectionism, anxiety, depression, sexual, physical, emotional or mental abuse, and that’s just to name a few. We truly believe that everyone can benefit from Celebrate Recovery! If there’s any issue in your life that is holding you back or causing you pain, Celebrate Recovery is a fit for you!

In Celebrate Recovery, we break the chains that hold us back from having the life we have always dreamed of. We focus on the twelve steps that help us overcome our struggles and work toward establishing, building, or renewing a relationship with God.

Please join us for worship and teaching/testimony every Wednesday Night – crossroadsgrace.org/online. Watch ONLINE here. Or on our Crossroads Facebook and YouTube.  Small open share groups are only available in person.



CELEBRATION PLACE – For kids ages five years of age to 5th grade.


The Christ-centered curriculum mirrors the lessons taught in Large Groups for adults.  We refer to it as our “Pre-Covery” program.  We strive to partner with parents to help break the cycle of dysfunction destroying so many of our families. Through Celebration Place, children experience the love of Jesus as they learn how to love themselves and others while they grow in their relationship with God. They also learn healthy coping skills for life’s challenging issues.

NURSERY AVAILABLE – For newborns to 4 years of age.

If you love children and have the heart to serve in this area, please email info@crossroadsgrace.org


For all students from 6th to 12th grade.

The Landing, for students, is an ongoing 52-week program – based on the Beatitudes, where Jesus laid out principles for happiness in the Sermon on the Mount – The Landing is for teenagers struggling to live their lives in a healthy, God-honoring way. The Landing is a safe, healing place where teenagers can live a more accessible, healthier, and God-centered life.

The Landing can help foster hope, truth, and joy as teenagers embark on an exciting year-long journey of engaging videos, meaningful experiences, vibrant worship, and great conversation as they develop true friendships with other teens. The Landing breaks the cycles of dysfunction, giving our students the tools to face life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits in a new, healthy, effective way.

Other Recovery Groups

MEN’S 12-STEP STUDY (2025) COMING SOON, to get on the waiting list please e-mail Tori Jackson

LADIES 12-STEP STUDY (2025) COMING SOON, to get on the waiting list please e-mail Tori Jackson

Men’s Sexual Integrity

Men’s Drug & Alcohol

Men’s Children of Dysfunctional Families/Open Share

Women’s Hurts/Open Share

Women’s Drugs & Alcohol

Pure Desire Group for Men
Meets: Sunday Evenings @ 4 PM
Contact: Don Kilpatrick (209) 679-6122

Betrayal Group for Women

Meets: Sunday Evenings @ 4 PM
Loretta Kilpatrick (209) 679-2484
Please click here to sign up: BETRAYAL & BEYOND

Pure Desire Group for Women

This ministry is under the leadership of Pastor Jimmy Roulette. jimmyroulette@crossroadsgrace.org

  Series Archives Coming Soon Season 2 Week 2: A Walk To Remember After A Lunchable Feast Season 2 Week 1: So Close Yet So Far Week 4: An Outcast Turned Evangelist Week 3 : Nic at Night and Coming To The Light Week 2 : Water, To Wine, To Whips Week 1: The Word & The “Other John” The Gift That Stays Week 3: Christmas Detours. This sounds like a nightmare. Week 2:“Jesus is coming? This has to be a dream” Week 1: Jesus’ Family Was No Dream

(209) 239-5566 — 1505 Moffat Blvd, Manteca, California   Get Directions ▸