Want to grow in your faith in 2023?

Why Host a Growth Group?

  • Hosts grow the most.
  • Hosts get a front row seat in seeing God at work.
  • Hosts enable others to grow simply by hosting the Group.
  • Hosts will be provided with everything you need to host well – it’s fairly simple.

A Host is someone who:

  • H: Has a heart for people.
  • O: Opens up time for a Group to meet (about 1 hour in their home or online).
  • S: Serves up questions for people to discuss (we give you the questions!).
  • T: Takes time to pray for God to work.

Click here to sign up to host

Awesome! Welcome to the front row of seeing God at work. We’re excited for you and want you to have the best possible experience hosting. That begins with the online New Host Orientation.


  Series Archives Coming Soon Season 3 Week 1: One Way Savior Season 2 Week 4: Grimy Spa Day Season 2 Week 3: Mud Pie Miracle Season 2 Week 2: A Walk To Remember After A Lunchable Feast Season 2 Week 1: So Close Yet So Far Week 4: An Outcast Turned Evangelist Week 3 : Nic at Night and Coming To The Light Week 2 : Water, To Wine, To Whips Week 1: The Word & The “Other John” The Gift That Stays

(209) 239-5566 — 1505 Moffat Blvd, Manteca, California   Get Directions ▸