Junior High VIP Check-in Desk
Responsible for collecting first-time guest info and answering questions from students, parents, and volunteers. Every visitor is greeted with, “Hi, I’m Heather, we’re glad you’re here!” Help new students to feel connected, seen and cared for. Be able to answer new students/new parents’ questions and calm their nerves.
- Speak, smile, and greet every student who comes to Junior High.
- Register first-time guests.
- Provide information to students, parents, and leaders.
- Call parents of visitors during Junior High and thank them for bringing and allowing their student to attend.
- Attend every other month team meetings the first Sunday of that month from 8:30AM-9:30AM in RM 208.
Spiritual Gifts
- Creative Communication
- Leadership
Skills & Abilities
- Skill: Marketing/Communication
- Skill: Office
- Skill: Translator
Must complete a background check (required for any role working with minors)