The Theology Program

Why do you believe what you believe?

Study the rich Christian heritage of truth. Learn theology historically and biblically.

Over 18,000 student members and thousands of churches and small groups use the material in their local venues.

There are six courses in TTP. These can be done in any order, except that the first course, “Introduction to Theology” must be completed first. Each course lasts 10 sessions. We run the courses exactly in line with our Growth Groups.

This program is for…
  • the student wanting reliable theological education
  • the father wanting to lead his family
  • the mother wanting to teach her children
  • the worker who wants to better defend his faith
  • the pastor who wants to teach the Word with more accuracy and truth
  • the elder who wants to lead with more theological integrity
  • the skeptic who needs some questions answered
  • the lover show wants to know and love God more deeply

E-mail a request for a reminder to be informed when the next Theology Program signups are open.

Ken Mullette


Frequently Asked Questions

When do the classes meet?

During Growth Group Trimesters on Tuesdays, 7-9pm

What is the class format?

We spend approximately 1 hour 15 minutes watching teaching from a DVD, and 45 minutes in discussion around tables.

How long does each course take?

Each course consists of 10 class sessions. We offer three trimesters per year, so it takes two years to complete all six courses.

Is there homework?

Yes. It averages around 2 hours per week. It is graded on a credit/no-credit system, so you don’t have to worry about grades!

How do I join?

Sign up for course 1 next time growth groups sign ups are open (late August, January or May).

How much does it cost?

Each of the six courses have a fee of $35. This includes the class sessions and student notebooks. At the begin-ning of Course 1, you are required to purchase one book (about $27). This book is used throughout the six courses.

Can I receive college credit for this?

The Theology Program is not accredited.