Road Rally

Road Rally Details


-Start in (you determine start location) Manteca, ends at Crossroads – 1505 Moffat Blvd.

  • Choose a team -any size team works but you must all fit in one vehicle.
  • You only need ONE person on your team who has a working smartphone -they must follow our Crossroads Instagram page so you have access to all the Road Rally clues (they will be posted one at a time on Saturday, October 31, starting at 2PM, on Instagram, make sure you pay close attention). The person with the smartphone must also have an Instagram account of their own.
  • After a clue is posted on Instagram your team must complete the action required in the Instagram post and upload a picture of your team completing that action to your Instagram account using the hashtag #roadrallyatCrossroads
  • The first three teams to complete all required actions/uploading & hashtagging themselves doing so, will receive a trophy!
  • Fun photo opportunity at the finish line, make sure to finish at Crossroads for a group photo
  • Questions?
  Series Archives Coming Soon Week 3 : Nic at Night and Coming To The Light Week 2 : Water, To Wine, To Whips Week 1: The Word & The “Other John” The Gift That Stays Week 3: Christmas Detours. This sounds like a nightmare. Week 2:“Jesus is coming? This has to be a dream” Week 1: Jesus’ Family Was No Dream Sabbath (One-off Message) Week 17: Not Ashamed of Living (Romans 15:14-22) Week 16: Unashamed of Living (Romans 14:13-23 15:1-23)

(209) 239-5566 — 1505 Moffat Blvd, Manteca, California   Get Directions ▸