Mixtapes Reading Plan – W5D3

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Mixtapes Reading | Week 5 | Day 3


Take a moment to be silent and still. In order to be fully present in body and mind, take a deep breath in and let it out slowly. Do this three times. Pray that God would open your eyes to wonderful things from His word today.

Bible Reading: Psalm 130

Read these verses three times slowly.

Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord;
Lord, hear my voice.
Let your ears be attentive
to my cry for mercy.

If you, Lord, kept a record of sins,
Lord, who could stand?
But with you there is forgiveness,
so that we can, with reverence, serve you.

I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits,
and in his word I put my hope.
I wait for the Lord
more than watchmen wait for the morning,
more than watchmen wait for the morning.

Israel, put your hope in the Lord,
for with the Lord is unfailing love
and with him is full redemption.
He himself will redeem Israel
from all their sins.


By Pastor Jim Todd

Traveling on a pilgrimage would often mean you have been this way before. Along the way there may be some changes, but the landmarks stand out … you know where you are. You travel to Jerusalem three times a year for “church.” You remember where you have come from, and “I’m not in Kansas anymore.” Traveling to venture into the presence of God brings your faults and shortcomings back to mind.

I remember one of the sports coaching failures in my past. I won’t elaborate on the details but a few different times I brought it to the attention of the administrator I had to answer to. The last time I brought it to mind appreciating his mercy, that administrator said he wrote it off long ago, and he no longer remembered it.

Before a holy God our sins condemn us – though if genuinely confessed, God forgives.

Consider “the Lord’s ‘unfailing love’” in verse 7, and add to it “with Him is full redemption.”

Verse 8 speaks to Israel, and to you “from all (your) sins.


Talk to God in response to today’s reading. Thank God for how lavishly He has forgiven you in Jesus, on the cross, and remember Psalm 103:12 “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.”

Worship Song

You might use this song today to worship Jesus today:

Check out more Bible Reading Plans here.


Ed Applegate


  Series Archives Coming Soon Week 12: Unashamed of Living Week 11: Unashamed of Living Week 10: Not Ashamed of the Spirit Week 9: Not Ashamed of the Spirit Week 8: Not Ashamed of the Spirit Week 7: Not Ashamed of the Spirit Week 6: Not Ashamed of the Spirit Week 5: Not Ashamed of the Spirit Week 4: Not Ashamed of the Gospel Week 3: Not Ashamed of the Gospel

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