Next Campaign Building Projects


Lobby Remodel


Studio45 (Elementary Rally Room)


We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done. Psalm 78:4

Student Ministry Room



This includes new flooring, lighting, paint. The lobby of the second floor of the building will have new flooring as well as a part of this project.

Route 56 Room (5 & 6th Grade Room) & Church Office Relocation

This project involves moving the current church offices into a modular building and then converting our current offices into the new Route 56 Room.

  Series Archives Coming Soon Week 7: Not Ashamed of the Spirit Week 6: Not Ashamed of the Spirit Week 5: Not Ashamed of the Spirit Week 4: Not Ashamed of the Gospel Week 3: Not Ashamed of the Gospel Week 2: Not Ashamed of the Gospel Week 1: Not Ashamed of the Gospel Best & Worst Week 5: Psalm 121 Week 4: Psalm 42

(209) 239-5566 — 1505 Moffat Blvd, Manteca, California   Get Directions ▸