Survey Results

In January 2022, almost 1,000 Crossroadians completed a 34-question spiritual survey. These results are being analyzed by the staff as we determine strategic steps to continue to help our congregation grow spiritually. Later in the year, we will have the congregation repeat a similar survey to compare progress.

You can download the results of the January survey below.

Download Survey Results

  Series Archives Coming Soon Week 3 : Nic at Night and Coming To The Light Week 2 : Water, To Wine, To Whips Week 1: The Word & The “Other John” The Gift That Stays Week 3: Christmas Detours. This sounds like a nightmare. Week 2:“Jesus is coming? This has to be a dream” Week 1: Jesus’ Family Was No Dream Sabbath (One-off Message) Week 17: Not Ashamed of Living (Romans 15:14-22) Week 16: Unashamed of Living (Romans 14:13-23 15:1-23)

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