Student Growth Groups

Growing Fully Devoted Followers of Jesus.

“Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds…Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”

Deuteronomy 11:19

Student Growth Groups are an experience for high school students to have fun, connect with friends and awesome leaders, learn about God and grow deeper in their faith. Students will meet at homes or meeting spaces throughout the Manteca and possibly even surrounding communities.

Why Host A Student Growth Group?

  • To build a lasting legacy in the next generation.
  • To grow yourself, people grow the most when they host a group.
  • To be energized! Nothing energizes believers more like working with teens excited about their faith.

What Does A Host Do?

  • Hosts can either lead a group or simply open up your home.
  • Opens their home to teenagers for 1 hour a week.
  • Prepares and leads a verse by verse Bible study, curriculum based study or video based study. All depends on your comfort level.
  • Provides a small snack, basic drinks for attenders.
  • Starts the first week of Student growth groups September 29-October 2.

What is a Student Growth Group?

  • A student growth group is for high school students who are wanting to grow deeper in their walk with Jesus.
  • Groups take place at host sites all throughout Manteca and surrounding communities.

  Series Archives Coming Soon Week 3 : Nic at Night and Coming To The Light Week 2 : Water, To Wine, To Whips Week 1: The Word & The “Other John” The Gift That Stays Week 3: Christmas Detours. This sounds like a nightmare. Week 2:“Jesus is coming? This has to be a dream” Week 1: Jesus’ Family Was No Dream Sabbath (One-off Message) Week 17: Not Ashamed of Living (Romans 15:14-22) Week 16: Unashamed of Living (Romans 14:13-23 15:1-23)

(209) 239-5566 — 1505 Moffat Blvd, Manteca, California   Get Directions ▸