Q & A on Growth Groups
Get the answers to your group questions.
What is a Growth Group?
Growth Groups are small groups of people, led by a Host, who meet regularly to connect with each other, grow in their faith, and serve together. Groups meet for 10-12 weeks.
Our Growth Groups meet in trimesters (Spring, Summer and Fall), with breaks in between to rest and refresh and be ready to jump back into growth.

Why join a Growth Group?
We want everyone at Crossroads to GROW. We believe that spiritual growth happens best in authentic community. Growth Groups provide a place for us to grow in our faith and build relationships by doing life together. Groups are not only important in how we grow as individuals, but how we grow as a church.
“The best thing about being in a group is finding friends that over time have become more like family.”
When and where do groups meet?
Growth Groups meet on various days of the week online and in homes throughout the Central Valley. You can use our group finder to search for groups on specific days of the week or by city.
Is there a cost?
Typically, there is no cost to join a Growth Group. If there is a fee for a group it will be made clear ahead of time.
If I’m new, what group should I join?
Any group will be great for you, but we especially recommend Rooted. If you are new to the faith or have followed Jesus for years, Rooted is for you. This 10 week journey is designed to deepen your connection with God, the church, and your purpose. Find out more about Rooted HERE.
Will the group provide childcare?
Some groups do provide childcare or are child-friendly. Groups with childcare provide specific childcare supervision, whereas groups that are child-friendly do not provide structured or supervised childcare. Some groups provide childcare for a fee.
What will we study?
Many groups choose to study books of the Bible or specific topics for growth including: prayer, parenting, marriage and recovery. We also provide discussion questions to dig deeper in to the sermon each week.
How long does a Growth Group meet?
Growth Groups meet once a week for 6-12 weeks and meetings last for an hour and a half to two hours.
How do I choose a group?
When choosing a group we suggest you find a group based on your stage in life or topic of study. We have all types of groups, including groups for men, women, couples, students, recovery and support.
If you have any questions or would like more information please message Ken Mullette.
Life is better together!
Ken Mullette